The NorRern summer school was held in Oslo, Norway from 7th -12th august. The course offered insights into ways of analyzing the ongoing transformation of the energy system with a particular focus on the future of the energy grid and how to balance the increasing intermittency. To cover perspectives from the energysector and academia the tpartcipants was given lectures from representatives from industry and professors from the University of Oslo and Norwegian Universisty of Science and Technology.
- The evolving energy landscape: Global Trends by Professor Anders Elverhøi, Director UiO:Energy
- Norway as a green battery to Europe (hydropower balancing mechanism) by Ånund Killingtveit, Professor at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at NTNU
- The future energy markets by Jan Bråten, Chief Economist, Statnett
- Modelling the energy market by the use of mathematical and statistical methods by Fred Espen Benth, Professor department of mathematics at University of Oslo
- Energy law and regulations Network Codes and Guidelines by Astrid Skjønborg Brunt, Legal vice president Statnett
- The future smart energy grid and innovation by Øystein Ulleberg, Institute for Energy Technology and leader of Mobility Zero Emission Energy Systems
- Solar Power as a Changemaker for Utility Business Models by Bjørn Thorud, Senior Advicer Multiconsul
The course also included several site visits to energy facilities in the Oslo regiosn such as a Rånåsfoss Hydropower station power station and Statnett.
Before the summer school began, attending students were arranged in groups of 3 or 4 for group work to be carried out during the programme. Each student’s academic and/or professional background was taken into consideration when groups were assigned, to ensure interdisciplinary variability in dealing with energy issues.